Prayers of the Faithful for February 3 & 4, 2018
We often suffer and are in need of healing and consolation. Let us pray for ourselves, our neighbors and all members of the human community, for we are all burdened.
For the church: that it may be open to its own need for healing and be a worthy instrument of Jesus’ healing power, we pray:
For all nations, that they may come to know God’s liberating love, we pray:
For those who struggle to survive each day, those who are fleeing war, who have no food, or who live on the streets: that in Christ they may find hope and meaning and that through our love, they may receive assistance and support, we pray:
For all in health care ministry: that they may show forth the healing presence of God to all who seek their assistance, we pray:
For a spirit of excitement and dedication: that we may find meaning in our work and a new appreciation of all the people who serve us with their talent and energy, we pray:
For those who are ill: including, Diane Sparrow, Tyler Christensen, Lisa Vos, Lewis Barbe, Debra Adams, Pat Scully, and Jerry Kuennen. That the Spirit of Christ may renew the gift of life within them and bring healing to their mind, body, and spirit, we pray:
For those who have died especially Roger Merrimack, the father of Wendy Myslinski; and Beverly Hindes, the mother of Dan Hindes. For all who have died and for all who mourn their passing, we pray:
Compassionate God: You call us each by name and bind up our wounds. Listen to the deepest concerns of our hearts and heal all that is broken within or between us. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.