Prayers of the Faithful for January 20 & 21, 2018
With confidence in our God, let us present our prayers with faith and hope.
For the Church: that we may faithfully announce the Good News by our lives and draw others to Christ through our deeds of love and compassionate words, we pray:
For those who govern the nations: may they heed the voice of Jesus and find remedies for injustice, we pray:
For the poor and the needy: may they feel God’s loving hand in their lives, through the love of God’s people, we pray:
For greater respect for human life: that God will bring forth a greater appreciation of the gift of human life within all hearts and give wisdom to those who are faced with difficult decisions, we pray:
For the grace of courage: that we may persevere in following Christ day by day and be guided by the awareness that the reign of God is happening now, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Diane Sparrow and Tyler Christensen. May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray:
For those who have died, especially, Dorothy Konkol, the mother of Jeff Konkol, and Laura Stabell, the daughter of Mary Watts. May they be gathered to the Lord and experience the fullness of light and salvation in Christ, we pray:
Gracious Lord, listen to the prayers we present you. Change our hearts by the power of your Spirit. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ.