Prayers of the Faithful for January 21 & 22, 2017
Let us make known our needs so that the kingdom of heaven might be made visible in our world:
For all members of the church, may we shine with the light of Christ dispelling darkness, we pray:
For courage when we are called to act on behalf of others, especially those most in need, we pray:
For the lowly, the downcast, the hungry, the poor; may they be led into the light of God’s kingdom, we pray:
For greater respect for human life: that God will bring forth a greater appreciation of the gift of human life within all hearts and give wisdom to those who are faced with difficult decisions, we pray:
For peace: that God will turns hearts from violence and terrorism, heal all who have been wounded and open new opportunities to confront injustice, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Margaret Hutchinson, Beverly Kraft. May they experience God’s healing touch, we pray:
For all who have died ,especially, Bruce Shirshac, the brother in law of Lois Benoit. May they be gathered to the Lord and experience the fullness of light and salvation in Christ, we pray:
God of light, you send Jesus to bring salvation to all people. Hear our prayers that one day we might live in your eternal Light. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.