Prayers of the Faithful for July 15 & 16, 2017


We who have received God’s mercy humbly ask for the needs of the church and the world.


For the Church: that we may spread the hope, joy, and vitality of the Good News with great generosity so that all may experience the compassionate mercy of God, we pray:

For a greater love for the Word of God: that we may find quiet in our lives to allow the Word of God to challenge and prune us so that we may bear abundant fruit, we pray:

For all who spread the Word of God, for preachers, teachers, parents, and writers: that they may announce God’s loving compassion faithfully and convincingly so that others may encounter the living God, we pray:

For inspiration and vision: that God will sustain us and guide us through the hardships and difficult decisions that we face along life’s journey, we pray:

For a calming of the restlessness in our hearts: that we may find fulfillment of our deepest longings in the embrace of God, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including Richard Sexton and Tom Diger. May all who suffer find comfort and healing by God’s power and by the prayers of this community, we pray:

For those who have died, especially Lyle Zinniel, the brother of Mary Zimmeth; Norris Melander, the father of Julie Crippes; and for those who are grieving the passing of someone dear to them, we pray:


Loving God, hear our prayers this day and bless us as we strive to live as disciples, faithful to your word. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.