Prayers of the Faithful for July 22 & 23, 2017
We present our needs to a life-giving God who always hears us.
For the church: may we clearly proclaim God’s loving invitation to all people, we pray:
For a deepening of prayer: that we may courageously wait in silence for the Spirit to make intercession through us, we pray:
For the grace of patience: that we may defer judgment on those things that are unclear and await insight from God to make wise choices, we pray:
For the gift of humility: that we may recognize our strengths, abilities and opportunities as gifts from God and be open to God’s invitations to serve each day, we pray:
For all who are gathered here: that we may be a source of compassion and hospitality in our society for all who turn to us, we pray;
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Tom Diger. May they find comfort in the healing touch of God and by the loving care of family and friends, we pray:
For all who mourn the death of a loved one, especially Patricia Dudley, mother of Dan Dudley. May all who have died be forever held in the loving arms of God, we pray:
Lord, you sent your Son to teach us how to live. Hear our prayers that one day we might be judged worthy to share everlasting life with you. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.