Prayers of the Faithful for June 30 & July 1, 2018

Presider: Let us bring our needs to the God who calls us to deeper faith and new life.


For the Church: that we, who are made in the image of God, may celebrate God’s gift of life to us and live it intentionally and with conviction, we pray:

For growth in our faith: that God will draw us into a deeper relationship, strengthen us in challenging times, and inspire us to be faithful disciples, we pray:

For the grace of generosity: that God will free our hearts to share from our abundance so that those who are struggling may experience God’s blessings, we pray:

For those in need of healing, particularly children and those with chronic conditions: that God will renew the gift of life within them and restore them to health and wholeness, we pray:

For our nation as we celebrate our Independence Day, that the Spirit of God may guide us in building our nation on liberty and justice for all, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, especially, Sharon Boeckman. May they find comfort and healing, through God’s love, we pray:

For all who have died, especially, Fritzie Becklund; and those who died this week in the Annapolis shooting. May God welcome them to new eternal life and ease the loss of those who grieve their passing, we pray:


Gracious God, you sent your divine Son to heal us of all that keeps us from you; hear our prayers that our faith may increase and one day we may share everlasting life with you. We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen