Prayers of the Faithful for June 7, 2020


In confidence, we pray for our needs to the Triune God who chooses to share divine life with us.


  1. For the Church: that the unconditional love of the Trinity may strengthen and inspire each of us, deepen our love for one another, and help us to witness God’s love and mercy to others, we pray:
  2. For a greater sense of community: that the Triune God may give us the endurance to continue to examine our own hearts and structures of power for paths to justice and equality., we pray:
  3. For a new experience of grace and mercy in our lives: that God’s love will free us from our past failures, give us courage to make amends, and help us renew and rebuild our significant relationships, we pray:
  4. For all who have experienced violence: that God will heal their suffering, ease the pain of their memories, and give eternal peace those who have died in this way, we pray:
  5. For an end to violence in our cities: that God will give courage to all who are working for peace in neighborhoods, help the voices of those who have experienced injustice to be heard, and turn the hearts of those prone to violence toward new ways of working for change, we pray:
  6. For the sick and those in need of our communal prayer, especially Wendy Wexler, may the healing power of the Trinity hold them in loving care, we pray:
  7. For those mourning the loss of a loved one; for those who have died especially George Cierzan and Edith Stapleton, may they be welcomed into the presence of the Trinity, we pray:

Presider: Gracious God, pour the Spirit of love into our hearts that we may be united to Christ and to each other in the bond of peace. May our prayers be acceptable to you in the name of your only Son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen