Prayers of the Faithful for June 9 & 10, 2018
Let us pray with compassionate hearts for all who are in need in the world, in our communities and in our families.
For the Church: that we may be a family of faith bound together by Jesus’ spirit of humble service, we pray:
For peace: that God will guide the leaders of nations as they seek to reduce nuclear weapons, conflicts over territory and terrorism, we pray:
For discernment: that we may recognize the work of God within and around us, cooperate with it more fully and never be deceived by the glamour of evil, we pray:
For all who are bound by guilt from past deeds: that Christ will free them, refresh their inner selves and give them a new vision for life and service, we pray:
For families in crisis: that they may find joy in their life together through the healing presence of Christ, we pray:
For the sick and suffering in our community, including Billie Rivers, Hank Dotzler, and Cyndi St. John. For all who suffer, we pray:
For those who have died especially Kathy Brastad, the wife of Jerry Brastad; Jerry Demaster, the brother of Bernie Demaster; and Lenore Horvat. For all who mourn their passing, we pray:
O Lord, may the prayers we offer with one voice make us one in heart and spirit as well. Grant these prayers that we make to you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen