Prayers of the Faithful for March 11 & 12, 2017
As we seek to live the Gospel let us now pray for the needs of the whole world.
For the Church: that we may be transfigured more and more into the image and likeness of Christ, we pray:
For the grace to listen: that we may hear the voice of Christ in prayer, in events, and in relationships so that we may respond more fully to God’s invitation, we pray:
For courage: that we, like Abraham, may go forth from all that is familiar to new places and relationships into which God leads us, we pray:
For all who are facing crisis or loss in their lives: that they may experience the transforming grace of God and grow in their trust of God to bring forth a new beginning and abundant life, we pray:
For our brothers and sisters in Gris Gris: that we may be filled with care and compassionand respond with generous hearts, open hands and a renewed sense of solidarity with all the families and children, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Diane Sparrow, Florence Smid, Robert Jesso, and Patricia Turner. May they experience God’s healing touch, we pray:
For those who have died and those grieving the loss of a loved one especially, Patricia Larsen, the mother of Joe Larsen; Christina Casey, the daughter of Claudia and the late Dennis Casey; Consor Holgado, the grandmother of Angela Vang. May they live in the light of God’s presence forever, we pray:
Loving God, your divine Son shines with the radiance of your glory. Hear our prayers that one day we might share fully in that same glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.