Prayers of the Faithful for March 4 & 5, 2017
Let us pray for ourselves and for all who are confronted by temptation.
That the prayer, fasting and alms giving of Lent may bring forth a new springtime of faith in our lives, we pray:
That the Spirit will guide us in turning more fully toward God and in recognizing the demons that seek to confuse and deceive us, we pray:
That the Word of God and Bread of Life may nourish all believers and strengthen us for our life’s journey, we pray:
That God will draw those preparing for the Easter sacraments closer and help them to turn toward all that is holy and good, we pray:
That God will touch the hearts of those who are alienated from the church and lead them to a renewal of faith and a reconnection with the community of faith, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Diane Sparrow, Florence Smid, Robert Jesso, and Patricia Turner. May they experience God’s healing touch, we pray:
For those who have died and those grieving the loss of a loved one. May they be held in the loving arms of God, we pray:
O God who is present to us even when we are tempted to be unfaithful, keep us faithful to your ways that one day we might enjoy everlasting life with you. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.