Prayers of the Faithful for May 13 & 14, 2017
We pray now that we always follow Jesus who is the way to the Father and eternal life.
For the Church and for its leaders: that our lives may be for the glory of God alone, we pray:
For the leaders and citizens of powerful countries, that their commitment to peace and justice inspire others, we pray:
For young people: for those who are graduating this year and for our youth who will be confirmed tomorrow/today at the Cathedral; for a life blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we pray:
For all Mothers and for those who have shown us a mother’s love: that God will bless them with health, happiness, and peace of heart, we pray:
For those who have discovered in the breaking of the bread the joy of Christ’s presence, that they may share that joy with others, we pray:
For those who are ill, including, Juan Acevedo. May all who suffer be comforted by our love and concern and by God’s healing touch, we pray:
For those who have died, especially, Patti Jesso, the wife of Bob Jesso; Gary Peterson the brother of Steve Peterson; Jody Thamert, the daughter of Bob and Barb Thamert. May all who have died be forever held in the loving arms of God, we pray:
God of salvation, through your son Jesus we know the way to you. Hear our prayers that one day we might enjoy everlasting life in the heavenly home prepared for us. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.