Prayers of the Faithful for May 19 & 20, 2018
On the Feast of Pentecost, let us pray that the fires of the Spirit’s love will rest upon us.
For a Spirit of unity: that the divisions between Christians may cease and the walls that divide believers may fall, allowing us to pray and grow together as members of God’s family, we pray:
For a Spirit of mercy: that we may reach out to all who burdened by illness, poverty, disasters or violence and show the face of God to them through our compassion and attention, we pray:
For a Spirit of love: that we may place our time, energy, and gifts at the service of others, helping them to carry their burdens and discover God’s love for them, we pray:
For a Spirit of forgiveness: that the Spirit of Christ will enable us to forgive all who have injured us and guide us in reconciling our broken relationships, we pray:
For a Spirit of peace: that God will hold those who have died or were injured in the Texas school shooting and that we may find ways to keep our schools safe and free of violence, we pray: sung response
For the Spirit of healing: that God will touch all who are burdened with illness, including, Thomas Diger and Barb Kachnowicz. Renew and restore their lives, and raise them up to wholeness, we pray:
For the Spirit of life: that God will be merciful and give eternal life to all who have died especially, Dan Steger, the brother of Carla Cable and Theresa Bergwall; Carol Sirko, the mother of Kate Steiner; we pray:
Presider: Loving God, fill us with your spirit as you fill us with your life. Give us breath to praise you to the ends of the earth. We pray this through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.