Prayers of the Faithful for November 24 & 25, 2018
The vision of the reign of God includes all people, nations and languages. And so we pray for us all.
For the Church: that we may be formed into a new people by grace, grow in our fidelity to the truth, and manifest our discipleship through loving service, we pray:
For leaders of government and for judges: that they may recognize that their authority comes from God and that it is for the service of the human community, we pray:
For all who are seeking the truth: that the Spirit of God will lead and guide them to the source of all truth and goodness, we pray:
For the safety of all travelers: that God will protect all who are returning home or to school, we pray:
For families: that each member may speak the truth in love to one another and deepen their support for one another along life’s journey, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Jacob LaMott. May all who suffer illness find healing in knowing that they are held in the palm of God’s hand, we pray:
For those who have died, especially, Joe Thul , the husband of Mary Thul. For all whose names have been inscribed in our Book of the Dead, and for those grieving the passing of a loved-one, we pray:
All-powerful God, you sent Jesus among us to establish a reign unlike any other on earth: a reign of justice, peace, love and truth for all people. Help us to be living signs of your vision for all and to bring your reign to full fruition. We pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.