Prayers of the Faithful for November 26 & 27, 2016


Let us pray that this holy season will make us alert to Christ’s coming through the needs and concerns of all people. 


For the church: that we may be a focused and watchful people during this Advent season, we pray,

For all Christians: that we may put on the mind and heart of Christ and be a source of light and hope for all, we pray:

For those who are working for peace: that God will guide and inspire their work and open new doors for peace and cooperation, we pray:

For alertness: that the Spirit will shake us from complacency and help us to actively search for God in our lives each day, we pray:

For all who await God’s blessings, particularly for those who are expecting a child, for those who are separated from family or homeland, for members of the military awaiting to return home, and for those who are facing death: that God’s comforting and strengthening love will sustain them, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Samantha Karg and Lito Estabillo. May they and all who suffer be comforted by your healing touch and by the prayers of friends and family, we pray:

For those who have died, comfort those who mourn the passing of a loved-one, we pray:


God who is ever present, grant us the ability to see the face of Jesus wherever he appears among us, and help us to live in awareness this Advent season. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.