Prayers of the Faithful for November 9 & 10, 2019


We are called to live in the light of the resurrection, and so we pray to God who faithfully hears and answers our prayers.


For the Church: that it may demonstrate the meaning of the resurrection, we pray:

For the grace of sacrificial love: that we may be open to all the ways God calls us to lay down our lives in witness to the truth and in loving service of others, we pray:

For those who struggle to believe in the resurrection, especially those who have lost a loved one, we pray:

For all who are suffering from violence, natural disasters, human trafficking or poverty: that God will ease their pain, give them strength and speed the assistance to them that they need, we pray:

For all veterans: that they may know God’s presence in their hearts, be healed of trauma and painful memories, and be blessed with health and well being, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Scott Highberg, Louella Griebel , and Cindy Hlavac . May God’s healing love touch them and restore them to fullness of life, we pray:

For those who mourn and those who have died, especially, Mark Skare, the brother of Eric Skare; Louella Griebel, the mother of Nancy Larsen and Barb Hardy; and Jim Fitzpatrick, the husband of Karen Fitzpatrick. For those who are struggling with grief for the passing of a loved-one, we pray:


God of everlasting life: keep us hopeful in what lies beyond, while we struggle to live life fully each and every day. Help us to be people of faith and hope, who encourage those who have lost hope. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.