Prayers of the Faithful for September 14 & 15, 2019


Let us pray now for a world in need of God’s justice, love and mercy.


For the Church: that we may recognize the length and depth of God’s love for us and lovingly respond with words and deeds of mercy and compassion, we pray:

For the grace of repentance: that we may recognize from whom we have wandered and turn towards the Good Shepherd’s outstretched arms of forgiveness, we pray:

For the grace to forgive: that the love of God will free our hearts to forgive all who have injured us, we pray:

For families that are alienated or in conflict: that God will remove the barriers and heal the hurts that have caused division, we pray:

For those inquiring or searching for God: that they may find in us a welcoming community which will support them in their search and share the Gospel with them, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Charlotte Moran. May God’s healing love touch them and restore them to fullness of life, we pray:

For those who have died especially, Patricia Gretz, the mother of Susan Gretz; Gina Christianson, and Wally Ullrich. May all who have died be forever held in the loving arms of God, we pray:


God of endless mercy, you have offered your love to us again and again. We pray for the humility to recognize when we are in need of your mercy and for the generosity to welcome your mercy toward others. We ask this through that same Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.