Prayers of the Faithful for September 16 & 17, 2017


Mindful of the mercy we have received, we ask God’s mercy on the church and the world.


For the Church: that all members live out of the compassionate and forgiving heart of Christ, we pray:

For a healing of the nations: that world leaders may lay aside pride, image, and threats so that the greater good may be advanced for all the human family, we pray:

For a deep awareness of God’s boundless mercy: that in the midst of our weaknesses, we may recognize how God’s forgiveness sustains us each day, we pray:

For the grace to forgive those who have wronged us: that God will free our hearts to forgive others as God forgives us, we pray:

For all who have been impacted by hurricanes, floods, or wildfires: that God will give them strength, protect them from harm, and give them hope, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including Deborah Ostroot.  May they find comfort in the healing touch of God and by the loving care of family and friends, we pray:

For  all who have died, especially, George Jones, the husband of Rosemary Jones, that God will fill them with life and give consolation and peace to those who grieve them, we pray:


Gracious God, you forgive us whenever we come to you with contrite hearts. Hear our prayers that we might grow in our own willingness to forgive others as you forgive us. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.