Prayers of the Faithful for Thanksgiving Day


Today, as we joyfully thank God for all the blessings we have been given, we ask continued blessings on ourselves, our neighbors, and our world.


With grateful thanks for the Word of God, and for God’s Church; may all members grow in gratitude for the many gifts bestowed upon them, we pray:

With gratefulness for Thanksgiving dinners and warm homes, we ask that the hungry will be fed and the homeless will be given warm shelter, we pray:

With gratefulness for the freedom we experience in this country, we ask that people of all nations will come to experience peace and the absence of oppression, we pray:

With gratefulness for this good earth and the richness of nature, we ask that the earth will be cared for so that it will continue to sustain life for us and for future generations, we pray:

With gratefulness for the love we share in our families and with friends, we ask that the lonely and those who are ignored will be blessed with loving companions and good neighbors, we pray:

With gratefulness for good health, we ask that those who are ill in body, mind, or spirit be comforted by the healing power of God, we pray:

With gratefulness for the mercy God has shown us we offer those unwritten prayers that we hold in our hearts. We also remember those who have died and now know the joy and peace of the Resurrection, we pray:


Generous and gracious God, you give us gifts beyond measure. Hear our prayers that we might one day fully share in your most wondrous gift of life everlasting. With grateful hearts we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen