Prayers of the Faithful – November 2 & 3, 2024
Prayers of the Faithful – November 2 & 3, 2024
Presider: As we gather with open hearts, let us offer our prayers to our loving God, who calls us to love Him fully and to serve one another.
Lector: For the Church: that our Church leaders may inspire and guide us to embrace the commandments to love God and our neighbor as the foundation of our faith, we pray to the Lord:
- For the world: that all nations and leaders may strive to foster peace, justice, and compassion, seeing the dignity in every person and seeking the common good, we pray to the Lord:
- For those in need: that those who feel forgotten, unloved, or abandoned may find comfort and healing in God’s unending love and in the outreach of compassionate communities, we pray to the Lord:
- For peace and unity during this week’s general election: that all voters may be guided by wisdom and compassion, and that the outcome may lead to a peaceful and just future for our nation, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including John Czech, Paul Zierdan, and Donna Kuhn. May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who have died.
Loving God, hear our prayers and strengthen us in love for You and for one another. May we live as true disciples, embracing the fullness of Your commandments and becoming beacons of Your love in the world. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.