Prayers of the Faithful – November 23 & 24, 2024
Prayers of the Faithful – November 23 & 24, 2024
As we celebrate Christ the King, whose reign is rooted in truth, love, and sacrificial service, let us lift our hearts in prayer for the needs of the Church and the world.
- For the Church, that it may faithfully proclaim Christ’s truth and demonstrate his sacrificial love in its mission and outreach, we pray to the Lord:
- For leaders of nations, that they may govern with humility and seek the good of all people, inspired by Christ’s example of servant leadership, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who suffer from injustice, poverty, or oppression, that Christ the King may bring them hope and inspire others to work for their freedom and dignity, we pray to the Lord:
- For the safety of all travelers: that God will protect all who are returning home or to school, we pray:
- For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Becca Scott, Rose Call, Della Huber, Laurie Mosier, Sharon Mikula, Jerry Buscher and Bill Kelly. May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray to the Lord:
- Today we pray for our Beloved Dead including: Birgit Johnston, Mabel Walkowiak, Peggy Ritter, Erma Scherping, and Catherine Bailey, We also pray for those who have died more recently, that they may rest in the eternal peace of Christ, we pray to the Lord:
Heavenly Father, we offer these prayers through Christ our King, who reigns in truth and love forever and ever. Amen.