Prayers of the Faithful – September 14 & 15, 2024

Prayers of the Faithful – September 14 & 15, 2024


As followers of Christ, we are called to take up our crosses and follow Him, denying ourselves for the sake of the Gospel. Let us pray for the grace to live out this calling with courage and love, trusting in God’s promise of eternal life.


  • For the Church, that she may be a faithful witness to the message of the cross, leading others to embrace the path of self-denial and discipleship, we pray to the Lord:
  • For our world, that all people may be inspired to seek peace, justice, and the common good, putting aside self-interest for the welfare of others, we pray to the Lord:
  • For our community, that we may support one another in carrying our crosses, offering encouragement and love as we journey together in faith, we pray to the Lord:
  • As we enter more fully into the Season of Creation, that we may deepen our commitment to caring for the earth, protect it for future generations, and honor the sacredness of all creation, we pray to the Lord:
  • For those facing the escalating impact of extreme weather, including those in the path of Hurricane Francine in Louisiana and those affected by the wildfires in Southern California, Idaho, and Nevada, that God will grant strength and resilience to those in harm’s way, and wisdom and cooperation to those addressing climate change, we pray to the Lord:
  • For the sick and suffering in our community, including: James Seurer. For all who suffer, we pray to the Lord:
  • For all who have died, especially Jackie Krenik, and  C. J. Sachs, nephew of Christy Angel, that they may rest in the eternal peace of Christ, we pray to the Lord: 


Loving God, you have called us to follow your Son by taking up our crosses. Grant us the grace to live as true disciples, willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel. Hear our prayers and help us to trust in your love and mercy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.