Winter 2025: The Gospel of Luke Bible Study

Gospel of Luke_Patella Jan. 2025 adjusted

Six-week Gospel of Luke Bible Study led by Ben Caduff

With the new Church year beginning in Advent, we are now focused on the Gospel of Luke.

We invite all interested adults to this Bible study. We will use the New Collegeville Bible Commentary book "The Gospel According to Luke" by Michael F. Patella, OSB.

Fr. Patella’s research focus is in the Gospel of Luke, the Intersection of Scripture and Art, and his teaching interest is in the New Testament, specifically Luke-Acts, the Synoptic Gospels, Johannine Literature, and the Pauline Writings.

A Benedictine monk of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, Fr. Michael Patella is a professor of New Testament and teaches in both the undergraduate theology department and the graduate School of Theology at Saint John’s University, where he serves as seminary rector and the director of the graduate school’s Holy Land Studies Program. He earned a License in Sacred Scripture from Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute and a Doctorate in Sacred Scripture from the École biblique et archéologique française in Jerusalem. He has published in the areas of Luke, Mark, Paul, angels, and demons, art and theology, and also has written for The Bible Today and Give Us This Day. His most recent book, Word and Image: the Hermeneutics of The Saint John’s Bible, the fruit of his work as chair of the Committee on Illumination and Texts for The Saint John’s Bible, won the Catholic Press Association’s award in Biblical-Academic. Currently, he is writing the commentary on the Gospel of Luke for the next revision of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary.

Participants may choose from the following dates and times (click your choice to register):

The cost is $12/person and includes the book, which you will receive at the first session.

Contact: Ben Caduff, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, [email protected], (952) 698-1724