Sister Parish Committee

Since 1999, the Church of the Risen Savior has partnered with the community of St. Rose of Lima in Gris Gris, Haiti, in a mutually enriching sister parish relationship of sharing, solidarity and understanding. Risen Savior has supported various needs that the people of Saint Rose of Lima have expressed over the years: drilling wells, reservoirs and fountains giving them clean water; building a new school; rebuilding their church and St. Jude’s Center for the poor; providing medical and dental care; sending them essential supplies; and educating them about agricultural techniques and maintaining good health. The Risen Savior Sister Parish Committee is responsible for organizing missions and communication with Saint Rose of Lima.
The Sister Parish Committee meets monthly, typically on the 2nd Monday of the month, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. New and inquiring parishioners are welcome to join us. Fill out the Interest Form below and we’ll be in touch with you!
Twice a year, Risen Savior celebrates Sister Parish Weekend: once in the Fall and once during Lent. These celebrations are opportunities to pray together for the people of Saint Rose of Lima and our relationship with them, to raise funds for necessities at St. Rose (such as supporting their school, feeding the children in the community, and maintaining the water wells in the community).
Social Justice & Charity
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