Vacation Bible School

VBS 2025 Logo Primary

Vacation Bible School 2025 "Road Trip - On the Go with God" is scheduled for July 7-10 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

At Road Trip VBS, students will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they are on the go with God. They will become travelers and discover how God is with them wherever they go!

After a high-energy opening assembly time, the travelers make their way to the Bible Story Station. Interactive Bible lessons reveal each mile marker to equip the travelers for an active life with God. They will also discover our Green Light Verse (Bible memory verse), which will remain with them in their faith long after VBS.

The students will expand on what they’ve discovered by making their own art projects at the Craft Station, singing new songs at the Music Station, exploring the wonders of God’s creation at the Science Station, playing games at the Recreation Station, and enjoying tasty treats at the Snack Station.

Along the way, the travelers will hear about our mission project as they respond to a call for action!

Join us as we discover how God is with us everywhere we go!


Basic information about VBS:

Registration starts April 1, 2025

When is VBS? This summer we will have VBS at Risen Savior July 7-10, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. each day.

Who can go to VBS? The VBS program is for children who will be in Kindergarten through grade 5 next school year, 2025-2026.

Is there VBS in Spanish? We are hoping to have leaders who are bi-lingual to assist those who speak Spanish.

How much does it cost? Tuition for VBS is $45 per child.

Can I wait and sign up when VBS starts?  No.  Registration closes on June 15.  It will close sooner if the camp fills up, so please don’t wait too long to complete your form.

How do I volunteer? Contact Nalleli, Jessica, or Rae Ann for a Volunteer application. Volunteers must speak some English. We would be very happy to get some bilingual volunteers! Teens and adults may volunteer for VBS.

Contact (program coordinator): Jessica Sosa (English & Spanish) at (952) 679-1523, [email protected]

Contact: Nalleli Renteria (English & Spanish) at (952) 698-1713, [email protected]

Contact: Rae Ann Konkol (English) at (952) 698-1727, [email protected]