Prayers of the Faithful
Presider: Confident of God’s abiding love for us, we now make our needs known so that we can love with all our hearts. Lector: For the church and all Christians: that we may be faithful to the great commandments, we pray:…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray that we live with undivided hearts, giving God what belongs to God. Lector: For the Church: that we may manifest each day the work of faith, the labor of love, and the endurance of hope that…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray for all who have been called and for all of God’s beloved people. Lector: For the Church: that we may recognize God’s invitation to life and service and respond generously with dedication and commitment, we pray:…
Read MorePresider: We pray now for our many needs and the needs of the whole world. Lector: For the Church: that we may be a fruitful garden, producing a harvest rich in justice, compassion, mercy and forgiveness, we pray: For a…
Read MorePresider: In humble trust, we place our needs before God. Lector: For the Church: that we may put on the attitude of Christ and empty ourselves into God’s loving care and the service of others, we pray: For discernment: that…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray now for our own needs and those of one another. Lector: For the church: that we may experience salvation as God’s gift, accept it humbly and share it generously with others, we pray: For our national…
Read MorePresider: Mindful of the mercy we have received, we ask God’s mercy on the church and the world. Lector: For the Church: that all members live out of the compassionate and forgiving heart of Christ, we pray: For a healing…
Read MorePresider: Confident of God’s faithful love, we speak the prayers of our hearts. Lector: For the Church: that we may be a community that continues Christ’s mission of evangelizing and reconciling those who are estranged, we pray: For our elected…
Read MorePresider: Enlightened by the Spirit of wisdom, we present our petitions to our loving God. Lector: For the Church: that all members willingly remain faithful disciples of Jesus, regardless of the cost, we pray: For all Christians: that we may…
Read MorePresider: As a community of believers, let us pray for our needs and those of the whole world. Lector: For the church, that we as members always be faithful to our identity as Christ’s Body and our sharing in his…
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