Kevin Rotty

Prayers of the Faithful: EASTER SUNDAY April 4, 2021

April 2, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful:                                                 EASTER SUNDAY April 4, 2021 Presider: On this most holy day, we are made a new creation in the image of the Risen Christ. Let us pray that the joy and hope of Easter…

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Prayers of the Faithful: Palm Sunday –March 24 & 25, 2018

March 26, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful:       Palm Sunday –March 24 & 25, 2018 Presider: My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we enter this Holy Week, let us pray for our world and ourselves, asking God for what we need to make…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 20 & 21, 2021

March 19, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful for March 20 & 21, 2021 Presider: We pray now for the needs of the world and for all who are called to walk the path of Jesus. Reader:  For all who suffer, we pray:   Presider:…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 13 & 14, 2021

March 12, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful for March 13 & 14, 2021 Presider: We are called by God’s love to live in the light of Christ. Let us pray that we and others might remember and live as we have been called.…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 6 & 7, 2021

March 5, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful for March 6 & 7, 2021 Presider: God reveals to us the paths of righteousness. With confident hearts, we bring to God our prayers. Reader:  Presider: Faithful God, you show us the path of true wisdom. Hear…

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Prayers of the Faithful February 27 & 28, 2021

February 26, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful                        February 27 & 28, 2021 Presider: Let us pray for all whose faith or trust is challenged by the demands of daily living, and especially for those whose challenges seem insurmountable. Reader:  Presider:  Loving…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 20 & 21, 2021

February 20, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful for February 20 & 21, 2021 Presider: On our journey during Lent let us be aware of our needs and the needs of the world. Let us pray for ourselves and for each other. Reader:  Presider:…

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Prayers of the Faithful February 13 & 14, 2021

February 12, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful                             February 13 & 14, 2021 Presider: Let us pray with compassionate hearts for all who are in need in the world, in our communities and in our families. Reader: Presider: Compassionate God, we turn…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 6 & 7, 2021

February 5, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful                             February 6 & 7, 2021 Presider: We often suffer and are in need of healing and consolation. Let us pray for ourselves, our neighbors and all members of the human community, for we are…

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Prayers of the Faithful for January 23 & 24, 2021

January 22, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful                           January 23 & 24, 2021 Presider: With confidence in our God, let us present our prayers with faith and hope. Reader: Presider: Gracious Lord, listen to the prayers we present you. Change our hearts by…

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