Prayers of the Faithful

Prayers of the Faithful for March 23 & 24, 2019

March 22, 2019

Presider: We now bring our needs and the needs of the whole world to God who is kind and merciful. Lector: For the Church: that we may rely upon God’s love for us when we experience trials and adversity, we…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 16 & 17, 2019

March 14, 2019

Presider: We who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus pray now for all of our needs and the needs of the world. Lector: For the Church: that we may listen deeply to God’s beloved Son so that our lives may…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 9 & 10, 2019

March 8, 2019

Presider: In this season of renewal and repentance, let us pray for ourselves and for all who are in need throughout the world. Reader: For the Church: that we may be faithful to our identity as children of God and…

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Prayers of the Faithful for March 2 & 3, 2019

March 1, 2019

Presider: Heeding Jesus’ call to repentance, we humbly voice our petitions, trusting in God’s never ending mercy. Lector: For the Church: that all may bear good fruit for the glory of God, we pray: For elected leaders: for truthful dialogue…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 23 & 24, 2019

February 21, 2019

Presider: Confident in God’s mercy and compassion, let us present our needs to the Lord. Lector: For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s mercy and kindness by sharing what we have received with others who are hurting,…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 16 & 17, 2019

February 15, 2019

Presider: Let us pray now for our own needs and the needs of the whole world. Lector: For the Church: that the power of Christ’s resurrection may give us vision and perspective for our lives and the courage to live…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 9 & 10, 2019

February 8, 2019

Presider: Let us pray now for our own needs and the needs of the whole world. Lector: For the Church: that we may be attentive to God’s invitations and relying upon God’s grace to respond unselfishly and wholeheartedly we pray:…

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Prayers of the Faithful for February 2 & 3, 2019

February 1, 2019

Presider: In faith, hope and love we pray for the needs of the whole world. Reader: For the church: that it may encourage, as well as listen to, those called to speak the truth, we pray: For those whose work…

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Prayers of the Faithful for January 26 & 27, 2019

January 19, 2019

Presider: Let us pray that the glad tidings of God’s love and care for those in need be brought to fulfillment. Reader: For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s reign who free captives, unburden the oppressed and…

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Prayers of the Faithful for January 19 & 20, 2019

January 16, 2019

Presider: Let us pray that Jesus’ ongoing abundant love may touch our lives and the lives of others both near and far. Reader: For the church: that it may continue Jesus’ ministry of serving people in their life events, we…

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