Month: November 2017
Presider: With confidence we make our needs known to God through the intercessions of Christ the King. Lector: For the Church: that we may recognize Christ in one another and honor the dignity of each person whom God has called…
Read MorePresider: We now make our needs known to God who has entrusted to us the saving work of Jesus. Lector: That all members of the church be aware of the gifts of faith, time and opportunity that God has entrusted…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray for wisdom and vision as we look to what lies ahead. Lector: For the Church: that we may have a spirit of readiness so that we can respond to God’s presence and invitations at any moment,…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray to God who sent us the divine Son as teacher and master. Lector: For the Church: that we make God central in our lives and allow our hearts to be formed by Christ our Teacher, we…
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