Month: March 2019
Presider: Aware of God’s mercy and forgiveness, let us pray with confidence to our loving Father. Lector: That we may, like the Prodigal Son, experience the limitless forgiveness of God; we pray: That we, along with those preparing to receive…
Read MorePresider: We now bring our needs and the needs of the whole world to God who is kind and merciful. Lector: For the Church: that we may rely upon God’s love for us when we experience trials and adversity, we…
Read MorePresider: We who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus pray now for all of our needs and the needs of the world. Lector: For the Church: that we may listen deeply to God’s beloved Son so that our lives may…
Read MorePresider: In this season of renewal and repentance, let us pray for ourselves and for all who are in need throughout the world. Reader: For the Church: that we may be faithful to our identity as children of God and…
Read MorePresider: Heeding Jesus’ call to repentance, we humbly voice our petitions, trusting in God’s never ending mercy. Lector: For the Church: that all may bear good fruit for the glory of God, we pray: For elected leaders: for truthful dialogue…
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